Thursday, September 8, 2011

Last Wednesday

I am several days behind but wanted to post some pictures from last Wednesday.  My girls' dinner club met at our house.  It was a baby bonanza!  Elliott and Isaac's friends Hadleigh and Isaac came to visit.  The babies had fun crawling all around and playing in the playroom.  Thankfully, there was a wonderful dad on hand so the moms could eat a few bites.

After dinner, we attempted the first bath with both Elliott and Isaac in the big bathtub.  Boy, was it as slip and slide!  We caught a few smiles, but they did not last long as the boys slide into each other.  For now, we will stick to the baby bathtub.

After bath time, Bob read the boys a bedtime story.  Notice can never have too many pacifiers!


  1. That little baby cock tho 😍 i can still remember sucking my son's little cock when he was 3 months old, blowing on it so he would piss on my face and in my mouth. I've never cum harder 🤣

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